Franz Conrad Von Hotzendorf: Architect of the Apocalypse (Central European Histories) (Studies in Central European Histories) by Lawrence Sondhaus
Franz Conrad Von Hotzendorf: Architect of the Apocalypse (Central European Histories) (Studies in Central European Histories) by Lawrence Sondhaus PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Did you ever wonder how and why Franz Conrad von Hotzendorf (1852-1925) earned his reputation for brilliance, while failing so miserably during the First World War? In examining Conrad s life and career, including his years as a military writer, teacher of tactics, and a peacetime troop commander before 1906, this first modern biography offers a fascinating and impressive explanation of his thoughts and actions. Franz Conrad von Hotzendorf (1852-1925) served as Austro-Hungarian chief of the general staff between 1906 and 1917, and was a leading figure in the origins and conduct of the First World War. In no other country did a single general serve as the leading prewar tactician, prewar and wartime strategist, and wartime army commander. Because Conrad filled all of these roles in Austria-Hungary, he had no equal among the military men leading the old order of Europe to destruction in 1914-1918."From reader reviews:
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